Very soon there will be a new re-opening of live entertainment, which means that each organization will begin to re-welcome the live audiences back into their stadiums and venues. There will have to be a lot of preparation in recreating that great feeling that comes from filling your seats with people who are eager to come back to the world of live entertainment.

Beyond the curtain, the audience, and the live experience, there lies the marketing strategy that goes into each performance. Maybe there is a community of people that would love to attend the shows that you offer or perhaps you want to really boost customer loyalty at the annual show. As much as that dream drives your ambition, it takes planning and reflecting to truly understand your audience.

Assembly Hall Theatre has recently taken on a strategic marketing approach and made it more about creating an atmosphere for their audiences and improving customer loyalty, as well as selling more tickets. Their aim for the reopening is to entertain, enrich, and enlighten their audiences and welcome curious theatre-goers to their venue. One of the ways that they will do this is through the tools and guidance from Activity Stream.

At Activity Stream, there was an opportunity with the lockdown, to strengthen and understand how to help organizations recover and succeed by filling up their seats with enthusiastic fans through targeted communication. Targeted communication can sound intimidating, but the real meaning of it all is just learning who and how to connect with audiences in the best possible way to create better experiences at any event.

How do we reach out to the audience that wants to experience theatre? How do we fill our seats in the shows that never seem to sell out? How do we enhance the experience of our members and make them feel appreciated when they come back and visit? These are all relevant questions many organizations have, that are now applied to a strategy for Assembly Hall Theatre with the help of Activity Stream.

Together, in a period of 6 months, Activity Stream and Assembly Hall Theatre have created a plan to improve their engagement with their audiences. This includes using data and marketing tools to be able to communicate at the right time to the right people.

This period will allow for an understanding of customer needs and sales patterns, for example with the use of Activity Stream’s new email campaign tool, they will be able to provide personalized communication to their audiences – understanding their interests and when the right time will be to connect.

“We look forward to working closely with Activity Stream. We are aiming for improved processes such as saving time and examining the improved usage of segmentation, and customer insights for more relevant communication” Says John-Jackson Almond, The Theatre Director at Assembly Hall Theatre.

Not only will this give Assembly Hall the opportunity to connect more to the community, but it will also provide Activity Stream with a customer relationship that will allow for valuable discussions of potential new features and tools for the platform.

“This 6 month period will give us a greater purpose to our platform and tools through understanding and contributing to Assembly Hall’s marketing strategy and how they will connect through targeted communication” says Sander Jøesaar, Head of Customer Success at Activity Stream.

There will be two more future additions of the journey to increased communications and work between Assembly Hall Theater and Activity Stream. The second addition will reflect on the first half of the process to see how to further improve communication. The final part of the story will summarize the learned discoveries that will be reflected upon in the following 6 months.

Assembly Hall Theatre is located in Tunbridge Wells, is an organization that is committed to bringing an exciting and eclectic variety of theatre, music, comedy, family and entertainment events from around the world. Their main goal is to deliver high quality and a mix of cultural programmes at affordable prices and bring communities together.

Activity Stream is a data analytics tool that live entertainment organizations can use to explore their data to help them identify, understand and activate their fans or audiences. By using segmentation tools, like building intent-based campaigns, it can help organizations enhance their marketing and communication abilities.