Activity Stream is delighted to be announcing a partnership with the Sydney Coliseum, West HQ, who will become our first ever Australian client. This isn’t the only first, however, with the Sydney Coliseum also representing a different way to use Activity Stream, as a newly built theatre.

The Sydney Coliseum

The Sydney Coliseum, West HQ is the newest addition to the bustling theatre scene in Sydney, Australia. It’s located in the rapidly expanding Greater Western Sydney region and is in the very final stages of construction. This new multi-purpose theatrical development is a breathtaking architectural achievement, accommodating a 2000 seat audience within the main auditorium. Featuring 7 spectacular bars, multiple event spaces, full stage-sized rehearsal room, Green Room, dressing rooms for 90 and luxury VIP Suite, the theatre is designed with performer, patron, and producer in mind.

The Grand Opening Week begins in December, with a spectacular line up commencing with David Campbell and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra on the 12th of December. Over 10 years since the plan was conceived to bring a large theatrical venue to Greater Western Sydney, the Opening Week will herald a new era for entertainment in the region.

The Sydney Coliseum Theatre’s Story

Building a theatre from scratch is certainly an ambitious and multi-faceted task. From the initial research and planning, to the design and construction, there’s a range of things that need to come together in order for the whole thing to work.

For the team behind the Sydney Coliseum, this meant thinking about what they could build themselves and where they needed to get some help. The team behind the project is fairly small, so it was hugely important to them to maximize what they could achieve. This meant having key people focused on their strengths and finding innovative solutions to help them do the rest.

Partnership with Activity Stream

When Craig McMaster, the Executive Director of the Sydney Coliseum, looked at what Activity Stream could provide them, he saw a way to unlock more of what his small team could achieve. To better maximize the time and resources currently being spent on sales and marketing, Activity Stream could be used to track sales data, intimately understand audiences, their habits and origins and manage their marketing campaigns more efficiently.

Activity Stream is plug and play, meaning that you can instantly use the service without needing a lengthy set-up time. This meant that the Coliseum’s ticketing and sales infrastructure could be set up months before the first show. The easy to use interface also means that the system can be utilized by anyone working in the theatre, as well as partners and collaborators.

The team at the theatre were not only impressed with how much Activity Stream could potentially improve their sales results but also identified that having one central hub for analysis presented an opportunity to save time currently spent on analyzing data from multiple platforms. Taking this type of approach was vital for the Coliseum’s small team, enabling them to achieve huge goals in their inaugural year of operation.

Activity Stream is incredibly happy to be part of the Sydney Coliseum’s journey, and we hope that this first of a kind collaboration is not our last!

For more information about the Sydney Coliseum: