The hard work’s paying off… moments like this don’t come around so often!

We’re stunned to announce that we’ve been recognized as the Best Icelandic AI/Machine Learning Startup 2019! This makes it a double for us, winning this award for the second year running, as well as previously winning the Icelandic Startup of the year in 2017. We’d like to thank everyone who contributes to making Activity Stream great, because this wouldn’t be possible without you.

This honor has been given to us by the Global Startup Awards, which aims to showcase influential and innovative companies from around the world. In doing this, they aim to provide a platform for new ideas and approaches to reach a global audience. They decide on winners through a combination of a public vote and expert jury selection.

Following the national rounds, winners are entered a competition to determine the best Startups in their region. This means that Activity Stream has now been entered into the regional Nordic Startup Awards for a chance to go one further. If you want to help us out by dropping us a vote, then you can do this here through the public vote, which is open until 4th December.

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to vote for us, as well as the Global Startup Awards for appreciating what we do.


Vote for Activity Stream here

See all of the Nordic winners here