Google recently launched the Marketing Innovation Program (MIP), an “incubation program for tech companies in EMEA that have the potential to shape the future of marketing”, and we are extremely proud to have been included. Being part of the program means that we’ll be working alongside the Google team in order to work on how Activity Stream and Google can be integrated with one another.

This means that over the next 6 months, we’ll work intensively with Google on bringing the Ads toolbox to the Activity Stream platform. In doing this, we hope to use our existing data and business knowledge to let marketers easily set up, track and administer Google Ad campaigns in order to sell tickets in a more cost-effective way.

Our CEO Einar Saevarsson and CTO Helgi Helgason spent two days in Hamburg for the launch, working with the Google team on outlining the project and finding how we can create the most value for our clients. “It was a fantastic experience”, says Einar, “working with such a competent and professional team, outlining some amazing tools that will be revolutionary in the industry. We are very excited about the coming 6 months of the program.”

The next months will see us working closely with a few pilot clients, developing tools to improve tracking and setting up contextual campaigns for specific customers. We expect to show off what we’ve been working on when Google rewards participants for the most innovative solutions in April. Watch this space…