The most popular tourist destination in Iceland, where Activity Stream has an office, is the Blue Lagoon. But there are other interesting “blue things” going on in Iceland.

The Icelanders celebrate Blue April as the month is dedicated as an annual awareness-building initiative helping everybody understand autism.

Pre-school children and employees from all walks of life help celebrate the “Blue Day” by wearing blue clothes to school or work while companies contribute to a special fund supporting children with autism.

As a startup, Activity Stream finds it important to take part to show support and contribute to the initiative. “It is not right to invest shareholder capital in something else than scaling up the company,” says Einar Saevarsson, CEO of Activity Stream. Einar continues: “But we really wanted to figure out a way to show support by contributing something else than money”. Therefore, we invite autistic children to come in and get a chance to play around with some of the technology Activity Stream is working on.

This Saturday, two groups of curious kids from the age of 10 to 16 will come in for a crash course in building chatbots with help from the Activity Stream staff lead by our VP of Operations Intelligence, Helgi Páll Helgason.

The Blue April organizers helped get the word out to interested kids who at the end of the day will have built their very own chatbot.

We sincerely hope that our contribution becomes an example of how startups can provide support and show a great deal of social responsibility without necessarily reaching for the checkbook,” continues Einar while himself gets a chatbot crash course to be able to help our friends build their own in a few days.